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I have a Fiancé!

Currently I’m sitting at my kitchen table eating veggies and hummus with Christopher, my fiancé…WHAT THE CRAP!

I have a fiancé. Weird. But so COOL!

This is a bizarre reality for me considering he proposed yesterday!

I have no words to accurately convey my excitement but I am going to try my hardest…but not right now.

This moment is for Jesus.

I love Christopher so incredibly but this grand love story is only because of the grand love story that each of us have with Jesus Christ.

The Lord has carried me in the moments that I could barely walk and has nudged me forward when I was to timid to be bold in this world.

He has pursued me when I wanted nothing to do with Him and has danced with me through the moments when I was longing for His affection.

He has dumped buckets and buckets of grace all over my life.

I have denied Him and shouted His name from the rooftops and still His love was and is unwavering.

And when I met Christopher just over a year ago I had no idea what was to come. I just figured this was going to be the guy that helped me lead some rambunctious yet passionate college-age kids around Swaziland for three months on a mission trip. But he became so much more than that. He quickly became my best friend, challenger, comforter, secret-keeper, personal comedian, and fellow lover of all the good food in the world

But to be honest with you I didn’t fall in love with Christopher because of all of those roles he started to fill. I fell in love with him because I saw the grace, humility, strength, and justice of The Lord flowing out of his being.

He challenges me to be more like Christ every single day and dives head-first into all of the Kingdom adventures that God puts before him.

So, I am sure this will not be the last time that I speak on this subject. And honestly I am in a bit of a haze right now so I don’t even know how to conclude this story because Jesus is still working and continuing to do incredible things within in this story.

But I just want to end with this: This would not be as glorious, wonderful, life-giving, fun, lovely, and all around amazing if it weren’t for Jesus. He has hand-crafted this love story and I will be forever grateful for that. I love you so much, my sweet Jesus.